Musical Note: A Positive Place & Meghan Trainor

meghantrainortitleFor the past couple of months, I have been in a musical slump. The last two albums I added to my current Spotify playlist were okay (Jessie Ware & Nicki Minaj), but I quickly fell out of favor of them. I’ve been playing James Bay A LOT, he is the reason I survived finals last semester, but my current emotions are not gelling with his beautiful songs. Luckily, the musical gods noticed my struggle and decided to do something about it. Enter: Meghan Trainor.

I know. But, stick with me here …

I have said it a million times, but my current playlist is most always a reflection of my current emotional disposition. It’s as if all of the songs average out to perfectly summarize my present outlook on life. Right now, I am in a positive place. I am not drowning in heartbreak or plotting revenge, I am just happy – and I want a playlist that reflects this. Turns out though, I am not musically inclined towards happy. My typical musical tastes seem to revolve around the desperate tear-inducing loneliness of searching for love and the occasional need to dance in front of my mirror after returning from the gym.

On Tuesday, Meghan dropped her debut album “Title” after finding major success with her single “All About that Bass”. I didn’t hate All About that Bass, but I wondered what else Meghan could deliver as an artist, after such a sugary sweet tune. Turns out, Meghan and her sweetness are a whole lot of musical fun, and I am loving the majority of her new album. It’s fun, flirty, and definitely speaks to the twentysomething crowd. While the subjects of the songs are a little typical, Meghan does some great work in singing about things like drunk-texting and how to feel about the next girl your ex moves on with. She also works the word “boobies” into one of the tracks, so I give her major credit for that. If you are looking for something short and sweet, maybe a little tune that will make you want to dance down the grocery aisles (a favorite activity of mine), I highly recommend giving Miss Trainor’s new album a try. Some of my favorites are below!

Title: Mr. Almost
Lyric that Kills:no you ain’t the perfect match for me, but you were so close my Mr. Almost

Title: Like I’m Gonna Lose You (ft. John Legend)
Lyric that Kills:and I’ll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets

Title: Title
Lyric that Kills:don’t call me boo, like you’re some kind of ghost

Title: What If I
Lyric that Kills:so, what if I, I wanna kiss you tomorrow? tell me babe

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